POC ONLY Have your heard

Here is another black man who was killed by a cop in Minnesota. His name was Philando Castile.He didn't do anything wrong at all. His girlfriend was driving and a police officer pulled them over because of a broken tail light. Diamond Reynolds was driving and their 4 year old child was in the backseat. The police officer asked him to produce a drivers license even though he wasn't the one driving. He informed the cop immediately informed the cop that he had a firearm but had a conceal-and-carry permit for it. The officer panicked. Told Philando not to move. Philando put his hands up where the officer could see them and was shot 4 times in the arm. He is now dead. There is a video that his girlfriend recorded. Read about him and watch the video his girlfriend posted and tell me your opinion in the comments. Again I am asking for POC opinion on the matter and that's the ONLY people I want to hear from on this matter.