Is it wrong ??

I'm 13 and my boyfriend is 16 I see nothing wrong with that but a lot of people would thing that it's gross and just wrong but I completly disagree with that and like he makes me happy and he's differnt then everyone else and he understand everything , and like obviously I'm not going to have sex with him like yet because obviously I'm too young! Like I'd wait as long as possible before losing my virgnity but what do you guys think ?? // please no hate last time I got lots of hate 
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I personally think that age gaps are a bigger deal when you're younger. I know I wouldn't trust my 13 year old sister with a 16 year old boy (I'm 16 so I know the general crowd). I guess it really depends on him and his character 


Posted at
Middle school to high school is a large gap. Not just physically in but emotionally too. A sophomore is at a wayyyy different place in life than a 7th grader is and vice versa. I wouldn't trust my sister with a 16 year old boy. When you're older 3 years is nothing but when you're younger it's weird. Me and my sister have a three year age gap. That's like me dating one of her friends. I don't think it's right. Especially middle school-high school. 


Hayley • Jul 7, 2016
In my experience when kids at my high school dated a middle schooler kids made fun of them and called the person a cradle rocker or pedophile. It's too weird that's my opinion tho.


Posted at
Babe, you're gonna do and date who you want, but I'm here to tell you as the 13yo who dated the 16yo and the 12yo who dated the 18yo and the 16yo with the 18yo and so on... It's not a good idea... I'm 22 currently seeing a 32 yo and it's still a pain in the ass ... If you like older guys though... I'd just wait to date till you're of legal age. Then at least you're legal he's legal and the age will matter less and less as you get older... 


Posted at
The age gap is neither here nor there, it's just that thirteen is awfully young to have a boyfriend. So young that it's kind of pervy almost. If you're happy then you're happy but there is a really big difference between the two of you. Either you are very mature at that age or he is very immature. Either way, chances are you will outgrow him so be prepared for that. Of course there are exceptions (I am willing to accept that-i would know) but if this isn't then it will only end badly. Usually when people freak out there is a reason for it.