Paranoid about transvaginal ultrasounds

Will be 40 next month, we've struggled with fertility issues TTC#1 (3 MCs, 2 failed IVFs) and am currently 6.5 weeks. I have my first appt with my doctor tomorrow morning, and I've decided to say no to a transvaginal u/s and will only agree to an abdominal one. Call me paranoid but I've bled every time I've had one - I'm not taking a chance this time around! 
TMI: I don't know what it means but my entire adult life, every time I have sex, I will bleed a tiny bit afterward. Doesn't matter if we've been really gentle, I will see a bit of red after. I've been checked out and the doctors couldn't find anything.
Anyway, there is no way I'm letting anything poke around in there, at least until I feel less paranoid about another loss.