This is not to offend anyone. I don't have any social media but this, and I'd like to share something.

To anyone who claims to be a Christian, to be a Christian you have to follow in his footsteps (follower of Jesus) in order to do that we need to be reading scripture to make sure what we are doing is in line with God. This is an example I'm going to use...not to offend or discriminate or hate on anyone just because it is a topic that is brought up a lot. Gay marriage/relationships. Now remember to be a follower you follow in his footsteps, meaning you try not to sin. Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, 1 Corinthians 6: 9-10, Romans 1: 26-28. All of these bible versus talk about man and man and woman and woman being together and how it is wrong. Many say they were born liking the same sex, when in fact if you believe in God, you weren't created like that because you were created in his own image. And his image was clearly ADAM and <a href="">EVE</a> not ADAM and STEVE. So when you do this you are sinning. And when you knowingly sin you slap God in the face and say my sin is better than you. I love my sin more than the man who hung on a cross for people who hated him because he was flawless.Now I will say this, I am not perfect. I know this, Romans 3:23 (For ALL have SINned and fallen short of the glory of God) I simply feel I should tell this to you because if you have read this today and you die and meet God he is going to ask you what you did with his son here on earth, and if all you can say is well I had some fun, and I sinned knowingly. He will say depart from me, I never knew you. (Matthew 7:20-24) So please I know I cannot save anyone, I know I cannot make you do anything but please listen to what I am saying to you. Please repent from what you are doing and try to move forward with your life by basing your life off of Jesus' and no one else's.
If you have thought about what I have said and would like to turn away, I have a model prayer for those of you who are stuck! This isn't a magical prayer it doesn't have any power to get you in to heaven or anything like that, it's just for those who don't know how to tell God they're ready to turn back to him. 
I know that I am a sinner, I know that you died on the cross for my sins, and I thank you for that. I want to acknowledge the fact that I have sinned against you and I don't want to anymore. I am ready to take my life and give my all for you. Thank you Jesus for all that you did, have done, and will do. I love you lord, In Jesus name,
I hope everyone will consider what I have said, I am not hating on anyone I just want people to know the truth. Because Heaven and Hell are both very real places and there is only one I want everyone to go to- Heaven!