Anyone take a month off from an IUI?

Sarah • 3 pregnancy loses. 4 failed IUIs, IVF with 1 failed frozen transfer and finally have our healthy boy!! Momma of a 3 year old, angel twins 10/19, and successful fresh IVF is giving us boy two in November!
I leave for vacation on Friday and unfortunately do not think I will get my period in time to start my baseline blood work and ultrasound. My fertility clinic will not let me start letrozole and <a href="">IUI</a> again without being monitored. So my options are:
1. Skip the month of July and try again in August. 
2. Find a clinic in South Carolina where I am vacationing that would allow me to get in for the blood work and ultrasound that provides same day results and doesn't need an appointment. 
As you know in the process.. Waiting an entire month and not doing anything to reach your dreams of having a baby is stressful and scary. Especially when it's been 4 years of trying for us with two pregnancy losses; one as recent as January. But I don't know if I want to stress about finding a clinic down there that I can use and having to call a bunch of places to figure it out before I leave. And at the same time I am scared if we skipped and tried naturally 1. I won't ovulate on my own and 2. I won't get my period again in a normal time frame. Without meds I have about a 38-45 day cycle. 
I am so upset and stressed today. I don't know what to do :(