Formula Feeding Schedule?

My son is 5 weeks old, almost 6 weeks. The last few days, we've switched to exclusive formula feeding and we're still getting used to it. How much formula should he have at this age? I read for 1 month it should be 24-32 ounces in 24 hours. I've been trying 4 ounces every 3 ounces which is 32 ounces. However, sometimes after bottles, he still acts starving! He spits up significantly every now and then, but for the most part, he keeps it all down. Should I feed him more? He also passes out after a bottle while he's being held, but then is wide awake once I put him down. Anyone else experience that? Any advice/tricks? This kid hates being swaddled, so he's sleeping in the rock 'n play for now.