Advice needed!!!

Hi, I need some advice... I just found out this week that I'm pregnant and I'm THRILLED!!! My husband and I have been TTC for almost a year so it is such a blessing. I've calculated that I'm just over five weeks pregnant and I called to schedule my first appointment but the doctor is booked so they're supposed to call me back today to let me know when she can get me in. My question is this...I've been cramping for about a week now. At times it feels like menstral cramps (especially toward the beginning of the week) and now it's just occasional but sharp cramp pains. I made the HORRIBLE decision to google "cramping during pregnancy" and now I'm stressed out that any number of things could be wrong with my baby. I know it could be nothing, but I also know that stress is bad for the baby, so I just feel like I'd feel better if I could have an ultrasound and know that it's a normal pregnancy and not a tubal or ectopic pregnancy or something...the sooner the better. Will a doctor, after hours, the hospital, etc. be able to do an ultrasound this early? Should I call and see if someone can get me in today? Every time I cramp I just worry more. It's affecting my sleep, my focus, my stress levels. I just want baby to be okay!!!