Husband cant deal with my endo

Husband says my endo is just too much for him to handle and he thinks its best if I just get a hysterectomy. I dont want to get a hysterectomy. I want to be able to try to have kids and what not. He thinks if I have a hysterectomy I will feel better and I will be able to work. I think if I get a hysterectomy its going to send me even further into depression than I already am. I have no idea what to do. I am so upset...
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Let him know a hysterectomy is not a cure for endo. It CAN help but statistically it doesn't time and time again and the endo continues to reak Havok. Do some research before agreeing on a histo. 


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I have severe endo and PCOS. I'm only 25 and I'm already infertile, but there is still no way I'd get a hysto. You need to find what's good for you. For years I listened to Drs tell me to take this that and everything else and I found my hormones, pain and everything else is so much better WITHOUT medication. My periods are heavier and last a couple of days longer but I'm not a psycho bitch anymore. Waaaayy more manageable. Good luck!


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Hysterectomy it's not gonna help much. And if you're like below the age of 35 they will not let you hey one since getting one will bring your menopause really really early. unnaturally early. hey on the pill unless you're trying to conceive, if you are then get a specialist to help you out


Anita • Aug 20, 2017
yes but itll only being on menopause really early so knock down one issue and bring on another.


Tal ☠️ • Aug 20, 2017
It's an option for many women with endometriosis due to the severe pain and issues it causes.


Posted at
A hysterectomy isn't a cure! And they'll refuse if you're young anyway. They try to wait until you're done having kids. Speak to your doctor and see if they can assist you with fertility options, and tell your husband that once you've had a child, or been confirmed to not be able to concieve, then you'll get a hysterectomy. 


Posted at
they won't give me one (I'm 29, no kids, don't want any) and I want one! but as my dr and others here have said, it's not a cure. endometriosis sucks! I have it too. depo helped but I had to stop it cuz I gained 30lbs. ablations can help. my mom had a hysterectomy and over the years scar tissue built up and attached to her intestines. nearly killed her. they had to remove over a foot of intestine to save her.


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Sometimes it is hard for my husband too.. Right now I'm trying everything to ease my pain and retain fertility. Try to see an endo specialist who can cut out the endo and preserve fertility not just burn it.. Also try some natural remedies I find they help my pain


Taylor • Dec 8, 2014
thank you I will definitely look into all that!


Brittney • Dec 8, 2014
At one point I decided I couldn't take it anymore and scoured the Internet for all the information on endo. The national institute for health has a very promising study on the NAC it's worth a read..


Brittney • Dec 8, 2014
I started taking some supplements that help with inflammation I take cla ala gla nac turmeric and fish oil.. It's a lot but it's the only thing that seems to offer any relief.. Oh and vitamin c.. It's hard and I feel you.. Me being in pain and not wanting to get out of bed is hard on him but this has been helping..


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