Daith piercing

Avrie • I`m married. TTC #1 - Baby dust (:
Hey everyone, I've posted a few times on here about migraines, as some of you may know; I was diagnosed with chronic migraine at 16. I'm on preventative pills, which help for the most part. I'm currently transitioning migraine plans because the pill I'm on is a "class D" which can cause birth defects & complications, so we're changing plans to have children :) 
A few years ago, Daith piercings were a new fad, I heard about them but didn't really believe in it. My friend recently got hers done & told me it completely got rid of her headaches, so heck I decided to go ahead & try it. 
I met up with my tattoo artist & had the piercing done, he said from his experience, one piercing helps only a little and that its best affective when both sides are done.... I only got one side pierced (for now) I'm meeting again with my doctor soon so I wanted to wait. BUT I just wanted to share how it's been so far if anyone else has been thinking about the piercing or has also had one...
For me, I no longer wake up with a migraine (which I've had the last 4 years) :)
I do get small tension headaches, but the piercing takes 8-9 months to heal, & I think the pressure is what's causing the small headaches. 
& I do not feel nauseous as much as I used to. I'm still sensitive to light, but again I'm seeing my doctor for that soon :) 
Anyone who doesn't know why it helps with headaches, the Daith piercing goes through a pressure point in the inner ear which helps reduce headaches. 
I would definitely recommend it, if you have tried everything else & are still in so much pain. 
Let me know how yours works if you have one!