I have no friends??

I know how lame this sounds, but I literally have no friends anymore and it's the most depressing thing ever and I don't now what to do anymore. Going in to high school I had so many friends, but they all started to party and drink and I drifted from all of them because I don't really like that stuff because I'm pretty anxious and shy. I'm going into my senior year of high school, and it's pretty sad because I've only seen one person from my school this summer because I asked her to hang out. No one invites me anywhere anymore, and I have no confidence when it comes to making friends because I've been on the outskirts of everything since 10th grade. I have a long distance boyfriend but of course he can't be here, so I'm really lonely. Sometimes I worry that if I lose him, I'd have nothing aside from family. I want so badly to be normal and have fun with friends, but I don't have any. Any advice? 😔