Bigger girl

Yesterday as I was sitting there my dad told me that I should go on a diet because he said "I bet your gunna land in the hospital soon" I'm 21 years old and I weigh about 247 loosing weight hasn't always been the easiest for me. But every time I go to eat something small whether it has butter on it or a hot pocket or maybe a hand full of chips he always comments on it but I think he took the last comment too far. Let alone he weights 255 and is huge his self. It makes me feel stupid when my own father tells me I'm gunna land in the hospital one day . Now my weight is big but if you were to see me in person I do not look like I weigh that much.. My boyfriend is skinny and he said my dad shouldn't of said that. I've been with my boyfriend for almost 4 years and he has been very supportive of me and he couldn't believe he said that.