My one year old

My baby boy is going to be one in two weeks. :/ He has yet to crawl, pull himself up, take steps with help, nothing. He just recently, like within the last day or two, kinda figured out how to sit up from lying down, but only if I just laid him on the couch or bed to change his diaper. He sits unassisted, picks up toys, feeds himself (finger foods), and rolls. He can go up in the hands in knees position but it's rare, he normally just whines on his stomach until you come pick him up and sit him down. Should I be concerned he has no interest in any of it. He won't cruse on furniture if I stand him against it either. It there anything I can do to encourage him? The toys out of reach thing doesn't work, he won't try to get them. And if I help him stand he won't take a step. If he sits in his walker to have a snack, he moves, but uses both feet at the same time. I don't know what to do.