I dont want a baby shower.

My family is seriously appalled that I don't want a baby shower. I just don't find it necessary. I don't like being the center of attention and I have a strong opinion on people buying me gifts. I don't even like Christmas presents or birthday gifts. Does anyone else feel this way, or am I mostly alone in this opinion?
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You don't need to explain it to them just say you don't want it


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Its your choice, no one else's!


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I was the same, I didn't want a baby shower as I hate being the centre of attention too. It still happened, I had to join in with games and open gifts in front of everyone! Not my idea of a great night but everyone else enjoyed themselves. Plus we got loads and loads of awesome gifts :)


Posted at
I agree with you. It isnt the big thing here in the UK that it is in the US so I don't plan of having one. I wouldnt feel right expecting my friends to buy me stuff. If they want to give a gift when they first meet the little one then that's lovely but I don't expect anyone to.


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I don't want to have one either. It's completely fine, just tell them you don't want one. It's not their decision, it's yours. 


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I felt the same way, however I ended up caving and I am so glad I did! We got so many nice gifts to help us get ready for baby.


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I feel you with not enjoying being the center of attention but I can tell you from friends'and family's personal experience you will appreciate the gifts. Expenses add up with an addition to the family.


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I felt just like you, my mother did a suprise birthday party for me last year and I was so devistated as she didn't understand how I hate being the centre of attention and how every watches you when you are opening their gifts. I hate it, but I totally know what you're talking about. 


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I didn't have a baby shower with both my kids even though everybody wanted me to but I hate being the center attention. I'm glad nobody was super upset though.


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I was the same when I got married I didn't want a bridal shower . I hate being the center of attention room and gift opening is awkward . I was informed by my mother that though I'm the reason for the celebration it wasn't all about me . That people love happy reasons to get together and celebrate love , new life etc. so I sucked it up and had a shower . I was very adamant that it last no liner that 2 hours ( cause people gotta eat) and that the gifts were not required . It turned out ok and people who don't get to see each other often had a nice visit. so think about it but if you're a hard and fast "no" than you're allowed to be and they should respect that .