How it feels when you are pregnant? (Or suspecting that you are preggy)

My partner and I were having sex for a year now without using condom. We've tried using once but we're not satisfied so we stopped using it. However, I freak out every time my period is delayed.

One time, I felt dizzy and thought like I was going to vomit. I thought I was pregnant already so I told my partner about it right away. But weeks later, I got my period.

Now, according to my cycle, 7 days from now I'll have my period again but I'm experiencing that dizziness again. Added to that is craving for foods, and being too emotional. 😩

Am I pregnant or is it just because I'm going to have my period in a week? If I'm pregrant, how will I know (aside from using PT)? It will be my first time. I'm 23.