Our Journey! Trisomy 21; Epidural complications..

Theresa • First pregnancy ever! I'll be 39 when I deliver OMG!!
Hello everyone! Just want to introduce my brand new baby boy Kingston Isaiyah! Born July 28th at 1:15pm! It was a super easy and quick delivery! I labored at home for almost 24 hours, then this morning went to the hospital at 8am, was admitted at 3cm at 9am, epidural given at 11am. However i had a wierd reaction to it and became unresponsive as my pressure dropped, they quickly got me back, next thing you know at 1230 i was 8cm, then 10cm at 1pm lol, no pitocin, 3 easy pushes he was out! In March it was verified via amniocentesis that he has trisomy 21. I was so depressed at that time, however I have joined so many awesome support groups and all those worries went away and I was able to enjoy the rest of my pregnancy! Pediatrician just called and said his echo came back normal, he has no heart issues etc. I am so grateful and excited to lead him through this life and look forward to all he is going to teach me. FYI, I'm 39, my first pregnancy!