veganism + family

lexi • vegan
so, my nana has planned a dinner for my whole family this upcoming weekend and I have yet to tell them I'm vegan and that I have been for the past four months. My parents were accepting of my lifestyle change but I know for a fact that my nana and da (grandad) will not accept it and they can be rude and will most likely make me cry Bc I'm a baby lmaooo Anyways idk if there's any vegans on this app but if there are it would be a huge help to me if you could tell me what to say to common questions and criticisms towards the subject and what not so I'm not freaking out before and y'know not know what to say. Oh and obviously I'm gonna get my mom to call my nana and mention it to her before the dinner so I don't like ruin the family dinner Bc that'd be kinda rude but yea pls help me I'm so anxious about this