Very sad news

Yesterday, on August 2nd, on my son Atticus’s 13th Birthday, we lost our second baby, in my second trimester. 
To say that we are in shock, would be an understatement, after receiving such happy news last week, after a long road and many tests, that we were having a healthy baby boy. We were elated and finally feeling a little relaxed about the pregnancy. 
We are not yet sure exactly what happened, but it appears that there was some sort of placental abruption, forcing my body into very early labor. 
We had driven down from New Hampshire to Rhode Island and it happened quite suddenly at my dad’s house. I was rushed via ambulance to a local emergency room. I was able to hold my tiny little boy for a few moments before I was taken to surgery to stop my hemorrhaging.
As hard as that was, I am glad that I got to see him, so small and peaceful. 
Seth, Atticus, and I are shocked and saddened by this loss, to say the least. We are going to do our best to give Atticus a redo birthday today, here in Rhode Island, before returning to New York City tomorrow. 
I will be off Glow for some time, if not indefinitely. If you would like to stay in touch, I can be reached via email 