Bottle to Breast Advice

Bottle to Breast Advice
Hi! Looking for advice....
My daughter was born 5 weeks early and spent her first week in the NICU--I was in the ICU and unable to try nursing right away. Then, due to the size differences in her small mouth and my larger nipples, an LC said we needed to wait to try latching until she was bigger.  A few days later, a different LC said to try a nipple shield every few feedings. 
Not long after leaving the hospital, she developed thrush and we were told to stop trying to nurse while it was present.  
Finally, after different meds, the thrush has cleared but we're back to square one with nursing. 
My daughter is 10 weeks old now and used to the bottle (she's always had breastmilk--I've pumped exclusively).  Any advice for transitioning from bottle to breast?  Since she's bigger now, I'm hoping we can learn together.  I see lots of articles on the reverse, but want desperately to nurse.  
Any tips/tricks/thoughts would be appreciated!