Family problems

So I used to be a complete ass. I would lie and steal and make others miserable because I had issues and it's not something I'm proud of. Over the last two years I've dealt with a lot of my crap. I don't lie anymore. (The occasional yes of course this burnt chicken tastes great! doesn't count). I don't steal. I make sure my house is spotless before my mom gets home, and I make dinner and do dishes almost every night. I'm literally nice to everyone no matter what they do/say. Lately I've been pretty quiet and the house hasn't been AS clean (its still pretty freaking clean.) yet everything I do is met with insults. Everything ranging from getting yelled at for nothing, to bring told what a disappointment/embarrassing person I am. Its constant and I have no one to take too. I lost most my "friends" when I qui rt partying and my SO is mad because I won't drive 6 hours and spend the weekend with him and his mom. Ive worked so hard at bettering myself and being a good person/student/kid hoping my mom would be nicer and that maybe my dad would love me again. Yet no matter what I do I'm screw up. I don't think she knows how much it hurts when my mom says things like "why aren't you smarter" or "you've been acting the same as you did 2+ years ago. I don't know what to do anymore.