Would you be grossed out if you found lube in your moms (44 year old) room?

My mom and her boyfriend (he's not my dad and they have 2 children together) they aren't married, or no where even close to getting married. They argue all the time. Also they have almost a 10 year gap between them. He's way younger than her. My mom keeps secrets from him as if she where scared to tell him anything. Basically my whole family hates him and wants him to leave the damn house. His own kids don't like him, he always yells at them. And he yells at us (my other siblings, we don't have the same dad but i care a lot about them) he has no right to yell, hit, or even touch us. (She has 6 kids in total but we mostly have different dads) 
Incase you are wondering yes, we have called the cops but they don't do anything. They just tell him to control himself and they say "when we leave we don't want you to start yelling at them. But guess what cops HE STILL CONTINUES TO YELL. 
We are all put up with his shit.
I could go on about this problem but i might continue on a different post. 
So anyway knowing that my mother has had more than 6 boyfriends (maybe even more I ask her but she stays silent, I remember she once slapped me because I asked her to stop having sex with men. I was only 7 or 8 years old.) I tried to explain to her recently but it's hard to explain because I don't want to get slapped again. But I was trying to ask her to stop moving so fast in relation ships.
All the men she has been with move in the next day after they meet. Like no, you have to get to know them. But back to my question, would you be uncomfortable knowing that your mom is having sex with someone who doesn't treat her with respect? 
And does anyone know how to get him to move out of the house? We are all fed up with his sh*t.

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