Early delivery

Mikey had to be delivered at 37 weeks due to my high blood pressure. Went in on June 29th, 2016, they stated me out on a pills to help dilate me. Which wasn't working so day two they used vaginal medication to dilate me , which caused me to have some contractions. So my doctor put me on Oxytocin. Had some contractions but it only got 2 cm dilated. So on day 3 my doctor came in and put a cath dialator to help me dilate, so they can Pop my water and start the Oxytocin. Well after 4 grueling hours. So after my water breaking they bumbed up that oxytocin and I was having some serious contractions., They gave me staidal to help with pain and keep my blood pressure down. After 7 hours and my blood pressure being 209/104 I asked for and epidural. BIG MISTAKE the guy stuck me 7 times and could not get it in, so after shooting pains down my leg from the pokes in my back. I got more staidal and finally at 530 I was 10cm and at 633am lil Mikey was born. Four long and hard days and my beautiful baby boy was there in my arms. 5lbs 8oz 18in long and head 30cm