Postpartum bod?

Just a couple of questions really, wondering what people think/know...
1. How long after birth do you get stronger bladder control back? (I know there's accidents etc due to birth weakening muscles but I mean no longer peeing every 5mins, my days are ruled by "is there a toilet near by") 
2. How long after birth does your tummy go back soft again? 
3. How long did it take other mummies to be able to sleep on their stomach/bend over with relative ease (not agony from having a baby in your pelvis) 
4. Was it easy to shave/sit up in bed etc straight away? (Obviously not if a c section was had) 
I guess I'm just curious in general as to when I'll feel like my body is my own again and I can do the day to day things you take for granted before your pregnant. 
Thank you lovelies 💗