panic attacks , any way I can prevent them?

I have anxiety and depression!. I was diagnosed with it when I was 12 years old. But recently I've been having panic attacks a lot. It's gotten that bad I don't want to leave my room. Because anything can set it off. Being out side in bigs crowds, meeting new people, anything can set it off. I can't go tow days without having one. I was shopping with my mum in town the other day. And I had one. I ran to the toilets. I didn't come out like half an hour my mum said after she found me I was a mess. It feels like I was going to die. And that was the first time I'm left my house with in 2 months, since I finished college. And soon I'm going back. I really need to get this sorted out before I go back, I really don't want to have one while I'm in college everyone would laugh at me . Has anyone got any ideas?