Georgia Laws??

Does anyone know much about GA custody laws? Any and all information will be greatly appreciated. I want to move back to my home state, CT but my ex lives in GA and my daughter was born in GA. I want to take her with me, I don't feel like her being raised by him at all will be healthy.
In short I was stupid and am throughly embarrassed but I thought I could take a "womanizer" and make him into a husband. Anyways he is notorious for women coming and going his 2 older children told me prior to me they knew every 2-3 mo there would be someone new living at the house and I don't want her to see that. I made a terrible choice I know and I should've been smarter and shouldn't have believed he had changed after just a few yrs but what's done is done and I just need support and information. All I care about is my daughter being raised in a healthy stable and steady environment.