So there's this guy....

I work with this guy. We talk a lot and he opens up to me about a lot of things. He said he doesn't know why he feels so comfortable around me but he likes it. A friend of mine (while I was off work) told him she sees a spark between us when we are around each other. He agreed and says there is definitely something there. I do like him and I think that confirmed he likes me too. I don't want to date anyone right now though because I am going to give birth any day now. In my mind it wouldn't be fair to him to start dating right now because I wouldn't have the time for him. I also don't want a potentially good thing getting passed up. I am at a loss but I'm sure if he was a good guy he can wait. What are your thoughts? And don't get all crazy and say I need to be concentrating on my kids and not worrying about guys. I do already know that thank you 😁