Advice Needed, also potentially TMI

So a few weeks prior to discovering I was pregnant, I was diagnosed with diabetes and started on metformin. I noticed that I was slowly becoming a bit more active in the gut and backend. Found out I was pregnant, and started on insulin for better control. Still reactive in the gut and backend. Fast forward to a week ago, I started having reallllly loose stools, mostly liquid with little to no solids, poo colored. Called my doc who told me to start a clear liquid diet and try Imodium. A few days later, still fighting to stay hydrated with diarrhea, which at this point is clear and colorless, leading me to believe it's straight water. They start me on zofran because it causes constipation but it's not working. What else can I do to either "slow" the digestive tract or help retain water better? I'm scared they're going to end up having me on a drip, which won't do with nursing school. Help!!!