FTM Natural Birth! So worth it!

My due date was August 13th and since I had only gained 20 lbs and everyone says your first is always late, I was banking on him coming at least a week late! But Saturday Aug 6th I woke up to quite a bit of wetness in my bed, walked to the bathroom and leaked the whole way. Knew it was my water breaking but was in denial for a bit lol. Kept looking to see if it would stop but it just kept coming. My fiancé woke up and I told him that it broke and instantly burst into tears a little terrified knowing what was coming soon! That afternoon my doula came over for a last meeting and I told her we would probably be having a baby soon! We spent the day putting together last minute baby things and my fiancé made about 40 freezer meals lol. Went for a nice dinner together! Finally at 11pm I went to bed, and pretty much as soon as I laid down my contractions started. Walked into the kitchen and told Darrin, it's happening! My contractions were super intense and painful right away, about 45 seconds long and 4 minutes apart. Darrin called my doula and she came over right away. I laboured at home until 1am when my contractions became 1 minute long and only about 2-3 minutes apart. We left for the hospital after Darrin made a labouring bed in the backseat out of pillows and blankets lol. Got to the hospital and was admitted at 7 cm dilated. Thought the end was near! Nope! Laboured all through the night as baby's head wasn't in the best position and was preventing me from dilating quicker. I wanted to try the labour pool but was in such severe pain I couldn't move to get there. The rooms have showers tho so stood in the shower for a long time with water on my belly, moaning like a dying cow lol. Looking back on it I don't think I made eye contact with anyone my entire labour, I was so in the zone. I remember coming out of the shower and seeing it was daylight out and just started bawling my eyes out in disbelief it had been that long and just wanting the pain to end. Broke down crying a few times over that night. My contractions wanted to kill me and sometimes lasted for 5minutes straight with only a brief break in between. FINALLY at 10am my nurse said I could push! Tried hands and knees and squatting which worked great, pooped a few times which didn't bother me it felt so relieving! I was surprised how much I peed while pushing. After about an hour I was too exhausted to do anything but sit with my legs held back. I watching him come out the entire time! His head was crowning for about 45 minutes and God was the pain horrendous. The ring of fire doesn't even begin to describe the pain!! But finally finally I pushed his head fully out, and I'll never forget watching the rest of him come out and thinking "how the hell did that fit inside me?!" Finally at 12:28 he was laid on my chest! My fiancé and me crying and kissing in disbelief! After 30 minutes he latched on perfectly and breast feeding has been a breeze! I had no tearing or stitches and left the hospital after 6 hours. 24 hours PP I was back to my prepregnancy weight which made me VERY happy and was able to have sex again after 9 days! Labour was more painful than I thought but so happy I was determined and had the natural labour I wanted. Recovery was so quick and baby was born so alert and healthy and ready to feed. Love my baby boy, Davin Andrew Paul Rempel, 7lbs 6 ounces and 20 inches long.