routine question

I am not the mom to push a schedule or routine on their child. My daughter is 4 months and I know a sleep regression is either in place or coming. Plus I went back to work so big change for her. However, her self created routine/schedule that I've also been consistent with she is now pushing against even with the sitter. Is this just part of the 4 month regression? It's a wacky routine as far as naps and nursing/bottle. 
Wakes up to eat 330 back to sleep
I wake her at 630 to top her off and take to sitter
Nap 745 for about an hour
Eat 945-10
Nap 11-1130 for about hour and half
Eat 145-2
Nap 330ish until about 5
Last nurse 7
Bed 730
Any suggestions to help her be a little more consistent but not hitler with the routine/schedule either.