Advice-is it wrong?


I had my son on July 13th of this year. I'm 19, and on disability permanently for my bipolar disorder because of the hallucinations that accompany it when I get manic. My mom let's me use her car, a really nice Kia. She is a nurse, and her and her SO both have other vehicles. Last xmas, I bought a PS4 and then sold it to her to give to her man for xmas so that I could afford to pay the electric bill. My SO didn't make as much as he does now at that time, so it was really hard. Any way, my SO and I have been planning and saving so that we could both get an Xbox one (it's a comparable console and way cheaper atm). I told my mom that we had finally saved enough to get them and she got really mad and asked me why I didn't make her car payment this month. I understand how nice it is of her to let me use her car, but I'm having a hard time because her version of struggling is way different than mine. I made sure there was still money in savings for emergencies, and also that our son could have anything he needs (diapers, wipes, meds, etc), we also have enough for food and all of our bills. Is it wrong of me to feel really hurt that she is mad?

Edit: ok I'm realizing that I left some background context out. I own my car. I only drive hers because we live in Colorado and my mom was worried about how my car would drive in the snow. Secondly- I own my house. I don't live with my mom. Third thing- I've offered to pay for the insurance. My mom said it would be way more expensive and was right. She pays about 115, I would be paying almost 300 for the coverage she has because of my age. Fourth thing, I didn't just go out and by these things without thought of my priorities. I budgeted stringently for months to be able to buy those. All of my bills are paid and current, we have money set aside for my son and the things he needs (diapers, wipes, meds, etc), and we have money in savings for emergencies. Also, I'm not mad at her, she hurt my feelings. I was excited that I was doing so we'll budgeting and I wanted to tell her how well I was doing. Not that i asked for this opinion, but honestly I see nothing wrong with an adult liking/playing video games. Especially since I have all of my other ducks in a row. I take care of my son, my house is clean, I maintain an awesome relationship with my SO, and I'm going through a very rough stint of ppd. My mom encourages me all the time to go do fun things- especially after I had my son. I usually don't, though. My mom said and I quote, "I just want you to live within your means. I didn't mean to make you feel bad, that wasn't my goal. I don't want you to have to pay for that, l just don't want you to struggle. " We aren't even arguing, we talked it out.