Parents... Are your children not of you? Would you not treat yourself with love?

I am sitting at a waterfall. There were kids playing and jumping and touching the water and a girl that looked about 6 or 7 was just looking watching from a distance and not saying anything but you could see all over her face that she was in anguish from being alone. I walked up to the water fall and played with the water and laughed. She was watching. I smiled and I waved. The other children crowded next to me and pointed out a huge dead fly floating in the water. I asked the little girl if she wanted to come see it in hopes that the other children would socialize with her, and as soon as she moved up her mom had her hand up counting down, summoning her to come sit down. A child does not need to be sitting in a circle listening to two adults have conversation and go through their phone. A child needs to be playing, laughing and smiling. As parents, it's our responsibility to help our children retain their innocence. Worst of all the little girl has Down syndrome! My heart breaks as I watch her sit and look around at other children and laugh in her child like reality that seems like it's being diminished by the mothers lazy ass parenting. Now I'm not trying to critique how she's raising her child, I am just very very very sad to know  that there are even mothers that exist that do this to their children. 