First off I'll start by saying I was a surrogate carrying twin boys

First off I'll start by saying I was a surrogate carrying twin boys. So I had my doctors appointment at 2:30 Monday and I wasn't dilated at all but I have been feeling nauseous all day so I went home and the nausea was getting pretty bad so I just laid on the couch.  Started having contractions pretty soon after that I started counting them at about five and at about six went and took a bath and I didn't eat any dinner I just didn't feel good.  I still had them while I was in the bath and I think I probably got the water a little too hot so I got out and I was just blazing hot and just laid under the fan and it was still pretty regular painful contractions so DH got the kids ready for bed and I went downstairs and try to distract myself watching TV and the contractions just got stronger and more painful but still not excrutiating. The kids weren't going to sleep because they were being stinkers so after one particularly painful contraction I just told DH I just want to go down to the hospital. By that time it had been four hours since I started tracking contractions.  We loaded the kids up and at about 9 o'clock I got to the hospital.  DH stayed in the car with the kids because I was still questioning whether I should've even gone in thinking I was overreacting because it wasn't crazy painful so I didn't want to call our support people just yet. They got me in a gown and on a bed checked me and I was dilated to 4 1/2 or 5 cm so they kind of started freaking out and rushing around calling Dr. saying 911 and getting me ready for C-section right then they didn't want me to dilate anymore on before the C-section and what was scary was that the contractions weren't super super painful so I wasn't fighting it and so I was dilating pretty quickly. I called DH and said get the kids dropped off and get back here! So by 10ish I believe they had me in the OR it was pretty quick. I definitely had a bad reaction to the spinal and was really scared and terrified because I didn't think feel like I can breathe and so I just kept on saying "help me help me I can't breathe" and they gave me a sedative that seemed to calm me down enough to handle the initial medication dose. So that was pretty terrifying but other than that it was OK. Parents arrived just as babies were bundled up and heading out of the OR. BABY A was head down, weighed 6 lbs 5 oz and baby B was breach with cord wrapped around his neck but no side effects weighing 5 lb 13 oz. mom, Dad and Grandma have a seperate room here in the hospital. Im recovering ok. First c-section and it's pretty painful but it's ok.