My horrible birth story....

Hey mamas! So after all my complaining, I finally got my little girl! She was two days late, but she came out perfect. I went into labor yesterday morning at 2am, and we got to the hospital and I was cranking out contractions, but only 2cm dilated, but they kept me there. Started pitocin around 6am and didn't get the epidural until right at 8 (longest wait ever), and by 10, I was dilated to a 6 already! So, we started the peanut ball activity and all that jazz, but my epidural around noon wasn't stopping the period like cramps in my lower stomach and back! So I got some extra drugs from the anesthesiologist (which I ended up getting three different times because I was in so much pain). Got to be about 8cm around 1:00, and literally stalled after that. Nurses changed, and I went to be a 9cm around 3, and stayed like that! Come to find out, my cervix was thinned, but I was swollen on one side and we couldn't get the swelling down. So we tried pushing during some contractions for 30 minutes to see if that would let it up, but no. So literally 20 hours of labor, and I end up having a csection that also went horribly. 
I didn't see my daughter after the csection until almost 1:00 (she was born at 10:39), bc the medicine they gave me for the csection literally fucked me up (excuse my French). I was tripping so hard. My husband thinks they gave me extra meds bc I think I passed out from all the pain. No one told me they pull and push at you during a csection. So apparently they put baby skin to skin after she came out at 10:39, and I literally had no idea. And David said she breast fed for almost 25 minutes and again, I didn't even know. I was that out of it. Isn't that so so scary?! Ugh. Never having another baby after all the hell I went through. But anyways, moral of the sorry is, we got our sweet princess!