mad mad mad

Im seeing alot of shit lately about teen moms and all that, quit it!!! This app is to communicate give advice and confidence to women not slam down on the younger moms of our generation! Age does NOT justify what type of parent you will be or your level of maturity! If you choose to be a mother at a young age who are others to judge, step up to the plate be the best you can be and all these older women should support that not sayin all this crap about people doing it for love, maybe it was failed contraception maybe they felt ready, whatever the reason its their business, so put your self in their shoes, infact my shoes im a 17 year old mom, i work my ass of to provide and love my child unconditionally! Shes happy, healthy always smiling has clothes on her back and food in her belly, now imagine we swap places and im slagging you wouldnt like it. So what we might not have full time jobs and a big house, so what we might still live at mom and dads, WHAT IS IT TO YOU??? LEAVE THEM ALONE. Noone was born a mother we learn and grow by ourselves not by others telling us how to be one because if we all did the same thing how would we know what mothers we could be how would we know what worked for us. Remember that. 
16,26,36,46 and so on are just ages which dont define us as parents!