Pregnancy dreams??

Hey ladies. So lately theres alot of baby stuff going on like a couple of my friends are pregnant and one of them kust gave birth a couole days ago and me and hubby talk about it and have been ttc for almost 6 months and everything is just baby talk and all. Well last night i had this dream that i was pregnant and a had a planned c-section for that day and talking to the dr about it the only thing is that i didnt look pregnant at all just bloating it looked like i was about a month or 2 pregnant. So my question is this a way that my bodies trying to tell me im pregnant or something? Iv only had once other dream of a baby and that was almost a year ago before SO and i were even together. Has anyone ever had the same thing?? Thank you in advanced for reading and any comments you girls leave! And dont tell me to take a test because i already know to do that and when im only asking for opinions and stories you might have had like mine.