write up at work because

So I work at a chat center , and this week they had a water main bust and the water was shut off. I wanted to leave but I stayed. Waddling up and down stairs , outside to use the porrta johns they had delivered. I had to refrain from drinking because I constantly have to pee and it takes a lot longer for me to have to go down stairs and outside then just out the door to the bathroom like normal, and so you get penelaized for being away from your chats for to long. 
Anyways. Today I was informed the water was off again and decided I'm not going in. I get so thirsty first of all not being able to just drink all I want. Second I have extremely bad pains all day everyday in my groin and legs and having to travel up and down 3 flights of stairs to use the bathroom is not going to happen. 
And third my baby litterally sits low on my bladder all day. So I always fee jabs that make me have to run and pee. 
And someone told me being snotty as fuck about it that I'll get written up. 
And I'm just like how can they write a pregnant woman up who desperetley needs the restroom to be close ? 
I was thinking about contacting my doctor or something and asking him to just write something for me but idk if he would do that 
I'm not being a baby and skipping work. I already went through this the other day and it was horrible !