Sick dogs!! help!

My dogs were being naughty today and got in the trash where I just threw a bunch of stuff out. I know I should of took it out, but it didn't see that it was full enough and they usually don't do that! They knew better. Well now they're so sick! It's Sunday so I can't take them anywhere. One pooped a little bit in the start of this, while she was farting a lot. Then later one of them pooped more. Then just now one of them threw up everywhere. They're both laying back down now. Is there something I can give them or what do I do to calm they're stomaches? This has happened before we just don't feed them in the morning just give them water and let it out their system and they're fine. But this time I know there was a little more in there that they might be a little sicker. So I just want to know if there's something I can do for them to make them feel better until I have to or not have to take them to the vet.