38 weeks & horrible back pain


Hey everyone!

I'm 38 weeks pregnant and my baby is breeched. I been having some horrible lower back pain on my right side the pain feels like cramps, i been having it since Friday. The pain comes and goes but i have it more frequently throughout the night, it doesn't let me sleep I get up like every 2 hours. The only way it doesn't hurt is if i lay on my left side. If i lay on my right side, if i walk or sit for like 10 min, It starts to hurt. I went to the ER Friday and the nurse said they were contactions and to come back when the pain was continuous she even called my doctor, however she checked my cervix and she said i was still closed and not dilated. My mother in law and mom and aunts think they are not contractions since the pain is only in my back, they think baby has her foot or hand or something stuck in that area, so that's why it hurts. I'm a FTM, and have never experienced this so i have no idea if they are contractions or not. I'm wondering if anyone has experienced something similar?

Thank you ladies!