It's been quite a week!

Heather • Wife. Runner. Recreation Therapy. Cook. Gardener. Photography. Complete Molar Pregnancy survivor September 2016. Rainbow baby due May 2018
Hello everyone. 
I wanted to share about what happened last Wednesday. My husband and I went in for my 12 week ultrasound. I was 12 weeks and 4 days pregnant. We soon discovered the baby had no heart beat and probably died at week 8.
 Within 2 days of hearing the devasting news, I was at the hospital scheduled to have a D&C on Friday. 
It's been a hard week but I'm at peace with what has happened and I'm ready to move on. I still cry from time to time about the horrible shock we had to face.
 Today i had my follow up appointment with the OB that I was referred to from my midwife. He was amazing. I found out that before I had the D&C my HCG levels were over 30,000. After the D&C my HCG levels were down to 5026. That's in just 4 days! I no longer feel pregnant. My body is healing and I still mourn for my unborn child. But I'm so happy this child didn't have to suffer. 
 I have to continue to get blood work done for the next 2 weeks to test my HCG levels. My next appointment with the OB is on September 30 and hopefully by then we'll know information on whether I had a blighted ovum or a partial molar pregnancy.
This was my husband and our first baby, we had been TTC for 11 months before I got the bfp in July. But I'm thinking the main reason why it took us so long to conceive was because I was running a lot and running too fast. 
We are still hurting but we are ready to start again. It's been quite a journey. The most hardest thing we have ever faced in our lives. 
Our baby would've been due on March 18, 2017.