Ugh. 😒😳 TMI warning

So my mom has IBS. She has the constipation form. Her doctor told her to take laxatives every now and then to help . I am the same way, except I wasn't diagnosed with IBS or have seen a doctor for it. I poo maybe once a month, and that's usually the day before or the day of my period and that's it. I only get diarrea poos when I have food poisoning or stomach flu or I drank too much alcohol. For the past week, every single day I have taken like 3-4 diarrea poos a day. It happens about 20-30 min after I wake up, about 10 minutes after the first poo and then right around the time I get home. Nothing has changed in my life. I'm not sick or have food poisoning or any other issues like that. I am lactose intolerant but I've been staying away from dairy and all that junk. I'm not allergic to anything else. No new medications or medications at all really. I'm just confused as to what's going on with my body's I've done a years worth of poos in a weeks time...and not the healthy poos either