To circumcise or not to circumcise??

I'm due November 17th with baby boy #3, I have 2 other boys from a previous relationship. They're sperm donor didn't have to much to say about circumcision or anything else about the boys. Myself I didn't see the point in having them circumcised, I done all different kinds of research before making a final decision and it seems to be more of a "cosmetic" surgery. Therefore, my 2 oldest boys are left whole and uncut. With this baby my fiancee is adamant about having him circumcised, just thinking about having it done is making me very anxious and nervous. I've tried asking him why he wants it done and he just says "so he don't have to have it done when he's 20" and "because I said so" I don't know what to do. I just can't imagine them taking my baby boy from me and cutting on his little boy parts. My other boys are 3 and 1, they seem to be fine, no issues whatsoever. Any advice is appreciated, thanks in advanced ladies!