So ready to meet my lil man (slightly tmi)
I'm 36 weeks with my first and I am miserable. I am short (5 feet exactly) and I have a short torso. Lil man is head down already and his 18.5-19 inch long body is literally taking up my whole midsection. How do you tell they've dropped when there's nowhere to drop to?
Already having super pelvic pressure. Majorly constipated. Always wanting sex but takes so long to get lubed up enough. And his stuff burns me when he does it inside. Don't know why.
I just want to be able to make love to my fiance as much as possible before bub is born and we are cut off for six weeks.
Bub likes to head butt my cervix and I'm pretty sure it's probably bruised. He punches my hips. Kicks my ribs and stretches his feet as far out as he can. My whole stomach area feels bruised from all the stretching out.
I am 36 weeks pregnant and I have a right to complain.
Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.