Am I miscarrying?

Guessing by blood twsts I'm about 5-6 weeks pregnant. My partner and I just has sex and now I'm bleeding... not a TON but enough to scare me.. has this happened to anyone? If so, what happened as the outcome?
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You should be okay. My doctor told me it's normal to bleed after sex because of all the extra blood volume you have and you're already kind of swollen. It's just agitation. The only time you should be worried is if you fill a pad in less than an hour or start passing clots. 


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Go to the hospital It could be a hemmorage which is usually no big deal But I would go just in case


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My midwife said a bit of blood after sex is normal. There is more blood flow to your cervix and of our gets bumped it will bleed a little. If you are concerned always call your doctor.


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Normal. Just as long as there are no clots or excessive bleeding 


Alaina • Sep 28, 2016
There was one small clot but other than that it was normal.