if Trump was...

It's so interesting to me that Trump is applauded by many of his supporters for the same qualities that he would be looked down upon for if he was black or a woman. 
If he was a woman:
He would be called bossy, erratic or overemotional, and probably the b word by many of those who support him now. But, because he's a man: he's a leader/boss, he's confident and passionate, he is just a driven individual who is speaking his mind. 
If he was black:
The same people who support him likely would probably call him uneducated and ignorant while saying he's unprofessional. He would definitely be called the n-word and his remarks about dramatic actions like blowing people out of the water for making remarks would be blamed on his violent nature. 
But because he's white: 
He's just telling it like it is. It's taken for granted by many of his supporters that because he has money and business experience he qualifies for the job and it's taken for granted by his supporters that he has the intelligence necessary to run the country.