Confused? Worried

Hey guys :) this is my first pregnancy, I had my first app with my gp yesterday to get a referral for an ob/gyn and im super stoked! Kind of confused though. My last normal was in june, ended july 1st, so according to her calculations i am 13 weeks, but i had a late period in august that was heavy, and bleeding this month that lasted 4 days. Dr said its normal because pre prego i had severe endometriosis in my small intestine and abdominal walls. But im worried because im not sick (morning sickness only lasted a couple days then went away), and my breasts arent growing. Idk what's normal for a first pregnancy, i tried to voice my concerns to my dr but she sort of brushed it off. I found out by going to the er for chest pains and found out my heart murmur is acting up and my hearts just a cm too big. They didn't tell me my hormone levels or do an ultrasound, my dr didn't tell me anything about them or my heart, didn't even give me an exam. So still no ultrasound and i have no idea if my hormone levels are where they're supposed to be. I know must women i know have had either one or two ultrasounds by now, I'm worried sick about the babies health and feel like everyone is kinda just brushing me off when i say I'm worried. Anyway, my question is is it normal to not be progressing very much right now? No changes in the tatas in two weeks and i just have a food baby belly at the end of the day, not even showing. I'm just worried