my horrible birth... that ended with the best baby❤️

So let's start..😅 I decided I would leave work exactly one week before my due date to prepare myself and the house for our son. Thursday, July 14th was my last day. I woke up with mild cramping in the front. I didn't really pay any mind to it throughout the day. Around noon I decided to start timing them. They were 10 minutes apart exactly and they didn't get closer, but they got worse. I asked my boss if I could stay a little later because I didn't want to be focused on my pain. I ended up leaving around 3:30 and by 5pm they stopped cold turkey. I figured it was false labor.. right? So I finish my day, resting because I was 39 weeks at the time😂 I went to bed and at 12am I had a mild cramping in the front... didn't really wake up but became aware and quickly went back to sleep. At 12:05, I got another one. I also went right back to bed.. 12:07 comes around and I'm crying because this one felt like I just got stabbed 20 times in the tummy and back. I got out of bed and wobbled to the bathroom and tried to pee, I had my bloody show. I mean you're prepared for it but it still scares the shit out of you. I mean you go 9 months without seeing blood and then BAM the whole toilet is filled with it. Scary stuff. So I stayed calm and decided to try to take a bath. It really hurt to stand. So I get in the bath and my contractions were in full swing. TWO minutes apart and hurting like hell. But I could do it. I wanted to stay home and labor at home. I called the hospital to let them know I'd be coming in within the next hour or so and they said it was fine. I called for my husband probably 15 times and he didn't get up. Go figures.. so I got an awful contraction and got out of the bath because it just wasn't helping. I yelled once I stood up and said "JESSE WERE HAVING THE BABY TONIGHT GET YOUR ASS UP!!" And sure enough he was out of bed in no time. Ladies... we didn't even have the car seat in the car. Our bags packed.. nothing. So we're rushing to get the things we need taken care of. We finish I kiss my baby pup goodbye because she doesn't know what's happening. She's terrified because her mommy was in a lot of pain. She knew there was going to be change but she didn't know what. So we left the house and went straight to my dads house😂 contractions are 1-2 minutes apart by now and it's 1am, July 15TH now when we get there. I sat on the couch and told my dad we're having a baby tonight! He was so happy but said to call once I'm admitted. And let me just say... I went to the hospital and set up my insurance and what not like 2 weeks before this. So I get there thinking it would be a breeze. I'm hurting so bad, and the lady was going as slow as the sloths in Zootopia!!! I WAS LIVID. I was screaming swear words and told her I was the ONLY person there what's taking so long. I thought I was going to have the baby in the fricken lobby!!! So around 2am (I got to the hospital at 1:30am) I finally get into triage. They hook me up and not even 45 minutes later, I was being taken to labor and delivery sweet. They told me on the way there that if I wanted an epidural I would need one now because it's getting busy and I probably wouldn't get one later. (I was only 5cm.) yeah I mean the contractions hurt like a bitch but I could deal with it longer. But I was scared of the pain so I opted in to getting it. Once I was brought from triage to the labor and delivery sweet, I lost track of time. I was terrified and having panic attacs every couple minutes. So I get my epidural and I could finally sleep. I was exhausted. So I slept for like an hour. I was the nicest person in the world saying please and thank you for everything I got. Out of all of the nurses I had to go through, I had 2 crappy ones. Every time they turned me to my side and tried putting the peanut ball between my legs, my babies heart rate would drop dramatically. So the nurses that were awful INSISTED I still put the peanut ball between my legs even though it hurt so bad and his heart rate dropped. I was so mad by I was so tired I couldn't form words. Then they tried to make me sit up to help him move down more. I was at -1 when I sat up. I cried the whole hour they made me do it telling them it wasn't working and to lay me back down. They finally came back in and checked me and I went from -1 to +1. I was PISSED. She said I needed to sit up for about another 45 minutes. I finally had enough and told her to leave and I laid my bed back. So I was eventually at 9.5cm and 95% effaced and -1. I was RIGHT there with everything. They left me that way for SIX HOURS. MY EPIDURAL STOPPED WORKING LIKE 10 HOURS AGO. they said it was just pressure I felt.. it was WAY more than pressure. I felt all of the tightening. Everything. So after 6 hours, my doctor finally came in for the second time in the 17 hours I had been laboring. She said they had an OR booked and I was going in for a C-Section. I reluctantly agreed considering I was so tired. 
The only way I can explain it was that near the end, I would wake up, contract and as soon as it was done, my head would drop for the 30 seconds in eternity them. 
So i asked if I could at least try and push and they let me for one contraction. I got 3 ten counts in. My son went from -1 to 0. So I had to go in. Once I got to the OR, they gave me my spinal, they said as soon as I lay down I would be numb from my nipples down. I said fine and was just ready to finally meet my baby boy. They laid me down and my entire body instantly went numb. Everything. I couldn't breathe. I could vocally say I can't breathe two times then I could only mouth it. They said I was fine and doing great. But I really couldn't breathe. I couldn't panic because I didn't want it to become an emergency c-section. So I just let myself pass out. My husband wasn't even in the room yet. I woke up to my sons first scream, which was about 2 minutes after he was born. He was perfectly healthy. Came out staring at the bright lights. Didn't cry or anything but was breathing and perfect and aware. So the doctors went against my wishes and cut him from the umbilical cord IMMEDIATELY. I wanted him to stay attached. He was six days early and needed the extra care. MY HUSBAND DIDNT GET TO CUT IT. I WAS LIVID. but anyways, I finally woke up and was panicked.. I didn't know what was happening and couldn't really move yet. So I got my head to turn finally and I saw the most perfect little human in the whole world. Staring right at me and crying with his big lungs he got to use for the first time. His daddy was right next to him and looked at me crying. I got to hold him and it was absolutely wonderful. I was scared because my arms were still numb. So I asked my husband to take him. They wheeled him out of the room to go to the nursery while I got stiched up. The intern in the room came and bent by my head and apologized. I was confused so I asked him why? He said he accidentally put my spinal too high. Okay... let me start with I HAD NO IDEA THAT AN INTERN WAS DOING MY SPINAL. NO ONE ASKED ME. so I missed the birth of MY son because they didn't ask me if a fricken INTERN could practice on me. My first child. I missed it. They took something so important from me.... so after 19 hours I finally got to meet my son.  but now I'm the happiest mom to the most beautiful little bear ever. I would like to introduce Asher Nolan. He was born at 9:17pm on July 15th. 9lbs 9oz 21inches long. Six whole days early.