baby is here 1 day before due date

At 12pm yesterday, I went to my prenatal check up only to find out that I was completely closed with no signs of labor at 39 weeks 6 days. I was given blue and black cohosh as a startup to get things going. My contractions began around 2 pm. At around 7:30 pm, I visited my midwife not sure whether I was in active labor or not. With my contractions steady but very short and my demeanor never changing (I tend to not show emotion),  she just knew that I wasn't ready and asked if I'd want to go home for now. At 8pm she checked me, the expression on her face priceless when she realized that I was already 8 cm. My midwife scurried to get things prepared as I would be having baby soon while my doula helped me to relax during the contractions. At around 8:45 my water broke on a birthing ball and I got into the birthing pool. At about 8:49, I roared like a true lioness as my baby began to crown. At 8:53, I gave birth to 7 lbs 12 oz of pure perfection. All natural water birth outside of a hospital setting. She's everything. Welcome to our world Alix Sky! 9.29.16