24 week ultrasound?

Anyone else have a 24 week ultrasound and have their babies measure really big? I had one today at 24+2 because my son wouldn't cooperate at 20 weeks. The tech said he measured 24+5 or 6 days so not a big difference. His head however is measuring 25+5, a week and a half ahead. No excess fluid or abnormalities, just a very large head. And he's weighing in at 1 pound 10 ounces roughly, so bigger than average. The biggest baby in either of our families was 8 pounds 3 ounces. Anyone else told they have big babies? And if so were they really big when they were born or did they level out? My OB said if he's over 10 pounds she wants a scheduled c section and possible early. If he measures big at 32 weeks she might take him at 37 because the lack of room and fluid could cause issues.