Baby names, nursery issues, and general pregnancy talk

Hey ladies! I'm now 34 weeks with our beautiful rainbow baby. He's due 11/13. Been on bedrest for three months and finally allowed to be up and around a little. 
First things first!!! WE DONT HAVE A NAME PICKED OUT YET!!! 
Name suggestions for baby boy? 
We have a middle name. It would be _______ Atticus (or Carter) Soper. Hubby and I both love unique names, German, Nordic, Swedish and mythical type names. 
Please help! 
Also, who else is freaking tired of being pregnant? Thinking of asking for induction on my due date. 
I have a doula, planning on going through this with no meds! 
And also am I the only one who doesn't have nursery space? We don't have room and the crib is in our bedroom and his stuff is in the hallway outside the room.. I feel so sad seeing everyone's perfect nurseries 😔