Sister-in-laws... are they worse than Mother-in-laws? It's a long one!

Ash • Married 8.2.2014. 1st Boy 11.24.16. 2nd Boy 8.27.18

I HAVE to rant. Because my husband would like me to not confront the issue at this time. Ok, I'll respect that. But I'm stewing and it's taking a lot of restraint to not text my sister-in-law.

My mom and 2 sisters cane to my house today to help me deep clean the whole house to get ready for baby. I see my sisters and my mom like 3 times a month, no joke. It sucks. I see my in-laws AT LEAST once a week. My mom's a big Facebook poster so a lot of times when we are hanging out, she will post and tag me in it. My SIL decided tonight to go through and like a crap ton of old posts where my mom tagged me. Then she posted a status which she hid me from, saying "I wish there was a button for 'I feel left out' or 'that hurts my feelings'. That would be great."

😑😑😑😑 shut the hell up. I am NOT sorry that you wanna throw a little fit and feel left out and hurt when I hang out with my family who is a hell of a lot more fun and comfortable to be around. My SIL and MIL are constantly on our back being condescending and telling us we will be parenting wrong and taking control of everything. They are so possessive and controlling it's sickening.

My SIL is 19 and beyond immature and she wants to give me parenting "advice". Telling me we will ruin our child if we make him feel like he can't be himself by always dressing him in boy clothes, because he could be gay..... seriously. Shut up. She thinks she will be babysitting every day when little does she know, my husband and I agreed she won't be babysitting without an adult around. She even bought her own stash of clothes(even newborns... why the hell would you need newborn clothes, you won't be babysitting our newborn) a swing, a pack n play, etc. I bought a onsie and she got pissed because she bought the same one first. Good lord just stop.

But getting all butthurt over me spending time with my family??? Screw you.

I can't tell which I have a harder time dealing with; my SIL or my MIL.

How about you??