Red spots and pregnancy

Lanise • MUA Make Up Artist💄
Hey guys so I'm having a but of an issue more like issues so lately I've been extremely stressed out and I suffer from anxiety to the point where my hair is turning grey and I'm only 18 turning 19 next month. So I have u protected sex woth my bf and cam in me like 3-4 days ago and now my period is 5 days late but he's done is before ans I had to take a plan b so it thew my period off a bit so now It comes late normally. So I'm stressed out about that plus I'm a babysitter and k get paid really good woth that buy lately it's been slow so I'm having no income. To add to that stress of possibly being preggers and not working like 2 days ago I went to pee and I stung a little but I paid it no mind so today I looked in the mirror and found red spot like dots (not bumps) on my clit. It's not swollen their not bumps and there is no word discharge. I normally get yeast infections a lot like I juts got over one in the beginning of last month but I'm hoping it's not that because it doesn't feel like one meaning there is no discomfort but if it is this will be my 4th yeast infection this year. But do you guys know what that red spots are? Their not on anything else but my clit not my pubic bone, not near my vaginal hole or pee hold no where near there just my clit. I'm not sore or anything it just gets irritated when I touch it. I want to go to er but I don't want to find out I'm pregnant and have something too even though I only have sex with my bf and he only sleeps with me